Photo of a man with glasses wearing a suit

Garrett (Garbocauskas) Garbo


Garrett Garborcauskas is a fourth year medical student at the Frank H Netter MD School of Medicine at Quinnipiac University and a researcher in the Boston Children’s Hospital Transgender Reproductive Health Program. Garrett is pursuing a career in ob/gyn and is passionate about transgender reproductive health and improving care access for all with minoritized identities.

Current Project(s):

Evaluating continuous drospirenone-only pills to treat dysmenorrhea in adolescents

Drospirenone-only pills (brand name: Slynd) were approved for use for contraception in 2019. This project evaluates whether taking a continuous drospirenone progestin-only pill (POP) can mitigate symptoms of dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, and chronic pelvic pain with a lower side-effect profile than other POPs. 

Publications & Presentations


Garbocauscas G, Boskey ER, Guss CE, Grimstad FW. Retrospective Review of Sexual and Reproductive Health Conversations During Initial Visits of Adolescents Seeking Gender-Affirming Testosterone. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2022 Sep 24. PMID: 36162722.

Garbocauscas G,, McCabe E, Boskey ER, Grimstad FW. Family Building Perspectives of Assigned Female at Birth Transgender and Gender Diverse Adolescents Seeking Testosterone Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy. LGBT Health. 2022 10; 9(7):463-470. PMID: 35802494.

Garbocauscas G, Grimstad F. A Response to Jue et al, "Kidney Transplantation in Transgender Patients". Curr Urol Rep. 2021 03 29; 22(5):28. PMID: 33779852.


“Clinicians Perform Incomplete Sexual and Reproductive Health Counseling in Transmasculine Adolescents” 

Garrett Garborcauskas, Elizabeth R. Boskey, Frances W. Grimstad.

  • Oral Abstract: Annual Conference; Gay and Lesbian Medical Association: Virtual, September 2021 

  • Poster: Advancing Excellence in Transgender Health Conference; The Fenway Institute/Harvard Medical School: Virtual, October 2021

  • Poster: Annual Clinical & Scientific Meeting; American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology: Virtual, May 2021 

  • Poster: Annual Clinical Research Meeting; North American Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology: Nashville, TN, March 2021 

“’I’ll Just Adopt:’ Family Building Perspectives of Transmasculine Adolescents” 
Garrett Garborcauskas, Elio McCabe, Elizabeth R. Boskey, Frances W. Grimstad. 

  • Oral abstract: Annual Conference; Gay and Lesbian Medical Association: Virtual,, September 2021 

  • Poster: Annual Clinical Research Meeting; North American Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology: Nashville, TN, March 2021 

  • Workshop: Annual Conference; Gay and Lesbian Medical Association: San Francisco, October 2022